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About rouages's Shop

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Auvergne, France

A lonesome someone in love with beautiful stuff, challenging and intriguing ideas and crazy randomness.

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A lonesome someone in love with beautiful stuff, challenging and intriguing ideas and crazy randomness.

Hi there! Nice to meet you!

I am Alex, aka Rouages. I am a dreamer by nature, a philosopher by education, a skeptic by conviction, a free spirit and an art, illustration & design lover (and practitioner) by desire.

I am in love with the intriguing stuff, challenging ideas and crazy randomness. I am trying to find my place in this crazy, silly, ever-evolving, ever-changing, sometimes overwhelming, often hard, but never boring world.

I am breathing in the inspiration that this world never fails to deliver and attempting to convert it into art that I want to share with you. Want to travel this crazy, adventurous journey with me? Then get in touch and follow my arts-y adventures on any of the social media channels you like.

If there is anything I have learned so far, it is this. Although times might be tough, and believe me, I have had a fair share of those myself, the only way to make it through is to create your own happiness. And what better way to make yourself happy than the act of creating? At least this is what me and my "partner in crime" have decided for ourselves. We build and create loads of stuff, from unique illustrations to AI-driven recommender systems :-) Crazy, right? If you are excited about where we go and want to share the road, join us and spread the word :-)

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